A Faith in the Future. A Belief in Action...

The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.


Keeping up to date

NCJW GRS Vote Forward Letter Writing Party July 24th

Wednesday, July 24th at 7 pm

Why is voting important to you? If you can answer this question, please come to a NCJW GRS letter writing party! Vote Forward is an easy but impactful way to get voters to the polls! You will be writing letters to potential …. 

Tuesday, August 13 , 2024 at 7:00 pm

 Why is voting important to you? If you can answer this question, please come to a NCJW GRS letter writing party! Vote Forward is an easy but impactful way to get voters to the polls! You will be writing letters to potential …. 

Save the date! Our Opening Event, Perceptions & Polarizations: How Social Media Shapes Our Worldview, will take place on Tuesday, September 17th at 7:00 pm. More Information coming soon!

About Us

Get Your Own Coffee!

In 1893, Hannah G. Solomon of Chicago was asked to organize the participation of Jewish women at the Chicago World’s Fair. When she discovered that participation only consisted of pouring coffee, she walked out and, by the end of the World’s Fair, had founded the National Council of Jewish Women, changing forever the role of Jewish women and the nature of volunteerism.

The Greater Rochester Section was founded just one year later in 1894, in keeping with Rochester’s long tradition of feminism and the fight for equal rights. NCJW, GRS remains committed to improving the lives of our fellow Rochesterians through advocacy, education, and philanthropy.

Join Us

Turning Progressive Values Into Action

As a member of NCJW Greater Rochester Section you will be connected to a growing network of courageous and compassionate individuals who work together to improve the quality of life for women, children and families every day. We join with 180,000 other advocates nationally to make our voices heard in New York, Washington DC and Israel as we fight for social justice. As an organization, we take action and work together to be a positive force for change.


Our Voices - Our Collective Power

For over 125 years, NCJW, GRS has championed issues affecting women, children, and families. NCJW is committed across the board to working in deep partnership and collaboration with other organizations that include local establishments, public schools, local government agencies, human service providers, faith-based institutions, and other non-profits, as well as elected officials holding positions in a multitude of offices.